Panelology is a weekly podcast about comics. We talk about current books, what we're looking forward to, and how to get into reading comics in the first place.

Runaways: Dead Wrong (Marvel Comics, 2008; #1-6)

  • The Runaways are back in LA where they belong, trying to catch their breath and get a little rest.
  • Of course, that’s just not their luck, so aliens seeking vengeance against Karolina’s parents show up to kidnap her.
  • To add insult to injury, no one can seem to get on the same page about what to do.
  • Terry Moore takes over as writer, and he avoids a lot of the traps others have fallen into like making the kids’ squabbling more mean than sibling-esque snark.
  • With that said, the characters’ personalities and relationships don’t feel as well-defined here as they have in past arcs.
  • I dig Ramos, Meikis, and Strain’s art, but there are occasions when panels get crowded or figure work gets small that it can be difficult to tell who’s who.

With another new creative team at the helm, Runaways gets more right than wrong.  If you’re a serious fan of the team, you’ll probably enjoy this.  If you’re more casual in your interest, though, this arc might come up a little too short on character voice and development to feel mandatory.

Collected in

  • Runaways, Vol. 9: Dead Wrong (#1-6)
  • Runaways: The Complete Collection, Vol. 4 (#1-14, What If? The Runaways Became the Young Avengers, material from Mystic Arcana: Sister Grimm and Breaking into Comics the Marvel Way #1)


Writer: Terry Moore | Penciller: Humberto Ramos | Inker: Dave Meikis | Colorist: Christina Strain | Letterers: VC’s Joe Caramagna (1-3, 5-6), VC’s Cory Petit | Assistant Editor: Daniel Ketchum | Editor: Nick Lowe

The Authority: Earth Inferno (Wildstorm, 1999; #17-20)

World Reader: Dead Stars (Aftershock Comics, 2017; #1-6)