Time to revisit Patsy Walker! Not only is the new A.K.A. Hellcat volume still good, it manages to be more fun than the first volume.
Here are the highlights:
- Leth puts the importance of supportive gal pals front and center in this volume.
- Hellcat remains inclusive. It does so without reducing characters to being walking stereotypes or solely defined by labels.
- It contains one- and two-issue stories, including a Civil War II tie-in that is one of my favorite things to come out of that event.
- Jubilee joins the cast and is a delight.
- There are still more musical theater references, along with some good, good McElroy references.
- Williams, Wilson, and Rosenberg continue to knock it out of the park with art. Hellcat is playful and stylish, with bold, fun panels and intentional detail and coloring work.
- If you have read the first trade, you’d be crazy to stop before the second since it builds on the strengths of the first. If you haven’t checked it out, I recommended it a while back.
Collected in
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat!, Vol. 2: “Don’t Stop Me-Ow (#7-12)
Writer: Kate Leth | Artist: Brittney L. Williams | Colorists: Megan Wilson (7, 9-10), Rachelle Rosenberg (8, 11-12) | Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles | Covers: Brittney L. Williams | Assistant Editors: Chris Robinson & Kathleen Wisneski | Editors: Wil Moss & Jake Thomas | Executive Editor: Tom Brevoort