Panelology is a weekly podcast about comics. We talk about current books, what we're looking forward to, and how to get into reading comics in the first place.

Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat!: “Don’t Stop Me-Ow” (Marvel Comics, 2015; #7-12)

Time to revisit Patsy Walker!  Not only is the new A.K.A. Hellcat volume still good, it manages to be more fun than the first volume.

Here are the highlights:

  1. Leth puts the importance of supportive gal pals front and center in this volume.
  2. Hellcat remains inclusive.  It does so without reducing characters to being walking stereotypes or solely defined by labels.  
  3. It contains one- and two-issue stories, including a Civil War II tie-in that is one of my favorite things to come out of that event.
  4. Jubilee joins the cast and is a delight.
  5. There are still more musical theater references, along with some good, good McElroy references.
  6. Williams, Wilson, and Rosenberg continue to knock it out of the park with art.  Hellcat is playful and stylish, with bold, fun panels and intentional detail and coloring work.
  7. If you have read the first trade, you’d be crazy to stop before the second since it builds on the strengths of the first.  If you haven’t checked it out, I recommended it a while back.

Collected in

  • Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat!, Vol. 2: “Don’t Stop Me-Ow (#7-12)


Writer: Kate Leth | Artist: Brittney L. Williams | Colorists: Megan Wilson (7, 9-10), Rachelle Rosenberg (8, 11-12) | Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles | Covers: Brittney L. Williams | Assistant Editors: Chris Robinson & Kathleen Wisneski | Editors: Wil Moss & Jake Thomas | Executive Editor: Tom Brevoort


Southern Cross: Volume One (Image Comics, 2015; #1-6)

WE3 (Vertigo, 2006; #1-3)