Invincible’s still good.
- Mark’s life starts to get back to normal after the betrayal and attack a couple of volumes ago.
- So, he goes to space to fight Starro Squids that want to conquer Earth.
- And he rationally talks through conflict.
- He also punches bad guys.
- Not everything resolves, which is part of the charm of the series; it’s long-form storytelling, so ideas are introduced and go on the back-burner to come back later.
- But Kirkman’s good about circling back to ideas here; if anything, I’m not reading these trades frequently enough to not need a reminder about certain things that happened awhile ago.
- Ottley and Crabtree’s art looks great, as always; their scenes in space and against the Martian parasites are stunning.
Collected in
- Invincible, Vol. 8: My Favorite Martian (#36-41)
- Invincible, Vol. 9: Out of This World (#42-47)
- Invincible Ultimate Collection, Vol. 4 (#36-47)
- Invincible Compendium, Vol. 1 (#0-47)
Writer: Robert Kirkman | Artist: Ryan Ottley | Colorist: Bill Crabtree | Letterer: Russ Wooton