Panelology is a weekly podcast about comics. We talk about current books, what we're looking forward to, and how to get into reading comics in the first place.

Wayward: “Ties That Bind” (Image Comics, 2014; #6-10)

Wayward was optioned for a TV series by a UK production company recently, so I figure what better time to read its second arc?

  • “Ties That Bind” picks up following a new main character, Ohara Emi, who feels trapped by the routine and expectations others have placed upon her.
  • As she falls into fighting the evil spirits that Rori and company tangled with in the first arc, she grapples with breaking away from her predetermined role.
  • I know that I made a Persona comparison the last time I talked about Wayward; I don’t know if it’s because I have been playing Persona 5 or the en medias res vibe that Emi’s story has, but those similarities feel even more notable here.
  • In any case, Zub’s structural choices and writing in “Ties That Bind” are both pretty fantastic.
  • And Cummings and Bonvillan’s art is every bit as smooth and vibrant as the last trade.

Collected in

  • Wayward, Vol. 2: Ties That Bind (#6-10)
  • Wayward Book One (#1-10)


Writer: Jim Zub | Artist: Steve Cummings | Colorist: Tamra Bonvillain | Flatter: Ludwig Olimba | Letterer: Marshall Dillon | Back Matter: Zack Davisson

Daredevil: Volume Two (Marvel Comics, 2011; #7-10, 10.1, ASM #677)

Teen Titans: Earth One: Volume One (DC Comics, 2014; OGN)