Well, it’s the end of the line for Nailbiter. There’s not too much to say that isn’t a spoiler, so maybe look back at my first write-up for the series.
- We get answers. All of them.
- I really want to go back and re-read it now, in fact, so that I can see how Williamson has seeded those answers since the beginning.
- Henderson and Guzowski’s art remains visceral and gruesome (when appropriate, which is pretty often here at the end).
- It sticks the landing.
If you’re in the market for a bloody, horror mystery comic, this is what you’re looking for. I’m not even a big horror guy, and I love it.
Collected in
- Nailbiter, Vol. 5: Bound by Blood (#21-25, Nailbiter/Hack/Slash Special)
- Nailbiter, Vol. 6: The Bloody Truth (#26-30)
Writer: Joshua Williamson | Artist: Mike Henderson | Colorist: Adam Guzowski | Letterer/Designer: John J. Hill | Editor: Rob Levin