Hey, look, I’ve read comics from the ‘90s two days in a row without losing my mind. That's a new record for me, I think.
- Where Morrison’s first arc of JLA was a single story, “American Dreams” actually includes three—a one-shot and two two-parters—loosely framed around the League looking to expand its membership.
- Overall, I’d say JLA ages pretty well, but Blue Superman’s coldness feels odd (or at least, more like New 52 Superman than I expected); and Kyle Rayner, as it happens, is kind of a jerk*.
- Also, can someone let me know how I had never heard of the giant threat is The Key until this year? Between this and the Titans Annual from earlier this year, he seems like kind of a big deal.
- Questionable haircuts and over-developed muscles aside, Porter and Jimenez, and company’s art has aged remarkably well.
I enjoyed this and will keep going with JLA, but it did take a couple of grains of salt when the more ‘90s elements kicked into place. Morrison’s writing and solid art kept it afloat, though.
*This is why I rarely go back and read old stuff. Newer stuff is less likely to thing misogyny is funny.
Collected in
- JLA, Vol. 2: American Dreams (#5-9)
- JLA Deluxe Edition, Vol. 1 (#1-9, JLA: Secret Files #1)
Writer: Grant Morrison | Penciller: Howard Porter (5-7), Oscar Jimenez (8) | Inker: John Dell (5-7), Chip Wallace (8-9), Anibal Rodriguez (9) | Colorist: Pat Garrahy