To Neo Gotham and Beyond!; Buzz, Buzz; Wayne’s Eleven (Minus Six); The Sound of One T-Rex Clapping; Too Cold, Too Cold; Something Something Red October; AKA: Rex Surgeon; A Song of Ice(man) and Fire(star); Zanax Attacks; Dysmorphin’ Time; People Try to Put Us Down; Jane Goodall, Eat Your Heart Out; A Jellicle Book; IISG: E Philbus Unum; Alex Takes a Nap; LBCBR: Turn! Turn! Turn!
Batman Beyond: Rebirth #1 - 8:14 Blue Beetle #1 - 15:31 Teen Titans: Rebirth #1 - 23:56 Titans #3 - 31:48 Frostbite #1 - 34:40 Hunt #3 - 38:13 Surgeon X #1 - 41:00 Deadpool Annual #1 - 44:00 Doctor Strange Annual #1 - 48:16 Rocket Raccoon and Groot #10 - 50:21 Generation Zero #2 - 53:29 Tarzan on the Planet of the Apes #1 - 54:28 Josie and the Pussycats #1 - 57:23 Is It Still Good? - 1:03:38 December 2016 Solicitations - 1:21:24 LBCBR: Speed Racer #30 - 1:39:00
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