Panelology is a weekly podcast about comics. We talk about current books, what we're looking forward to, and how to get into reading comics in the first place.

Episode 6: The Ballad of Thwippy Gwen and Stabby Gwen

Brian triumphantly returns from his hike through the woods just in time to take a stroll down memory lane with Future Quest #1. We discuss the stage-setting in Civil War II #0 and how Deadpool: Last Days of Magic ties into the ongoing Doctor Strange and Deadpool books. Jenna and Mike take Tank Girl: Two Girls One Tank for a spin. Then: lightning strikes! It’s our first Lightning Round of book impressions - Power Man & Iron Fist, Spider-Woman, Over the Garden Wall, Cinema Purgatorio, Micronauts, and All-New Wolverine. We pull out our crystal ball (or, at least, August’s solicitations) to gaze into the future of what we will be reading. And in the Longbox Book Report, Alex goes in depth on The Light and Darkness War #1.

Future Quest #1 - 1:58
Civil War II #0 - 10:40
Deadpool: Last Days of Magic #1 - 14:30
Tank Girl: Two Girls One Tank #1 - 19:20
Lightning Round! - 22:29
August Solicitations - 33:40
Longbox Book Report: The Light and Darkness War #1 - 1:16:18

Podcast theme:

The Spontaneous Elk Reunion (The Fish Who Saved The Planet) / CC BY 4.0

Episode 7: Hail Red Herring!

Episode 5: Adam Ruins Everything