Sgt. Batman’s Lonely Rogues’ Club Band; Diff’rent (Death)Strokes; Holy Cat-Astrophy; Billy Don’t Be a Gyro; Flash Reversal; The Real Nightmare: Big Box Stores; Dividing Infinity; Arsenic in Old Space; Sampling Jeff; IISG: Hrm-ers in My Hummer; LBCBR: Jivin’ with Brian
[Producer’s Note: In the Cucumber-Verse, The Riddler was played by Frank Gherkin.]
All-Star Batman #2 - 3:04
Deathstroke #2 - 9:32
Detective Comics #940 - 13:12
Doom Patrol #1 - 23:17
The Flash #6 - 31:15
Scooby Apocalypse #5 - 34:00
The Forevers #1 - 38:52
Hadrian’s Wall #1 - 43:30
Jeff Steinberg: Champion of Earth #2 - 45:21
Is It Still Good? - 48:49
LBCBR: Freedom Fighters #1 - 1:09:54
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