Episode 120: Postmonitions
Damn, Daniel; Val Pals; Cross Buns; Playground Batman; The End of Eternity; Kylo Doom; Return to Conspiracy Corner; Spreadsheet Shaming; Like a Disney Movie; Lois Lane’s Long-Lost Niece; IISG: Domino Jeans; LBCBR: Do You Believe in Magic (In a Robot’s Heart)?
(Sandman Universe #1 - 5:19, Exiles # 6 - 19:44, Hot Lunch Special #1 - 28:49, Farmhand #2 - 29:36, Eternity Girl #6 -33:59 , Fantastic Four #1 - 35:21, The Flash #52 - 42:16, Hunt for Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda #4 - 47:10, Sideways #7 - 56:00, Spider-Man Annual #1 - 58:54, Supergirl #21 - 1:06:54, Is It Still Good? - 1:11:12, LBCBR: Tales of the Sun Runners #3 - 1:16:54)